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CSW 69 Orientation Day
Vienna International Centre Wagramer Straße 5, Room C0234, ViennaArtificial Intelligence vs gender-based violence: Is the UN cybercrime convention our knight in shining armour coming to the rescue?
VIC Room G-0541 Wagramer Straße 5, Vienna, AustriaThe Fashion Revolution
VIC Room C0234 Wagramer Straße 5, Vienna, AustriaChanges in production and consumption in the textile industry and also recalling the Rana Plaza disaster Guest Speaker: Stefania Pitscheider-Soraperra from the Frauenmuseum HittisauÂ
Excursion to the Margarete Schütte- Lihotzky Centre
Margarete Schütte- Lihotzky Centre Franzensgasse 16/40, Viennahttps://www.schuette-lihotzky.at/en/home/Â
NGO CSW Meeting
Vienna International Centre Wagramer Straße 5, Room C0234, ViennaProgram to be announced