Information Day at CSW67 on March 7th

Bridging the gender gap in the rural mountainous regions: digitalization as a challenge with experts from Eurac Research, FAO, from Austria, Italy and Albania moderated by Harald Egerer responsible for UNEP at the UN Vienna​

CSW66 Written Statement

NGO CSW Vienna Written Statement to 66th Commission on the Status of Women  Gender justice and climate justice are inextricably linked. Systemic and intersectional  discrimination against women and girls threatens their human rights to life, food, water,  health, education, livelihood…

Beijing +25 Written Statement

Staying Vigilant, Making a Better World for All “Never forget that a political, economical or religious crisis will be enough to cast doubt on women’s rights. These rights will never be vested. You’ll have to stay vigilant your whole life.” Simone…

CSW64 Oral Statement

The undersigned members of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women Vienna maintain that climate change is an existential crisis for people and planet, and that armed conflicts are antithetical to sustainable development and the empowerment of women. Twenty-five…